Collaboration With the 3sporta Website
I am happy to inform you that from now on you can read my articles about amateur and professional athletes in endurance sports on 3sporta website, first Croatian portal for endurance sports.
Find out your diet mistakes and recieve individual assessment on your email.
I am happy to inform you that from now on you can read my articles about amateur and professional athletes in endurance sports on 3sporta website, first Croatian portal for endurance sports.
Did you know you can earn the nutrition certificate approved by Croatian Ministry of Science and Education by attending four months of weekend classes?
But why even bother, when you can call yourself a nutritionist without even starting primary school?
Now imagine if the same went for doctors, lawyers or pilots.
People believe in all kinds of things. Some believe they’re being poisoned by chemtrails, some that 2pac is alive, and some swear by LCHF being the panacea. What do these things have in common?
In Part 1, I wrote mostly about physiological aspects of LCHF and its effect on weight loss, health, and insulin levels. Part 2 is about carbs, yo-yo effect and cheat meals.
Before I started college (when I was young), once I experimented with low carb intake for several days before the basketball match, which I played superbly. Did I discover the secret to success?
Diet mistakes can be divided into two categories – cognitive and qualitative.
Do you know how many articles about diet start with a quote „Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food“?
When I was still in primary school, one time I searched the library for a book on 80 greatest conspiracies of all time. Luckily, someone had already borrowed it, and I never came back for it.
When I was younger and more seriously into sports, the first thing I would think about when I woke up was breakfast.
Dietary advice is a lucrative business. Weight and health problems, quest for the perfect body, insecurity about food quality, are just a few main motives to seek dietary advice.